Coverchrome answers your most frequently asked questions . If you do not find the answer here , please contact us , we are at your disposal !

FAQ What does it mean

Frequently Asked Questions . This symbol indicates the set of questions and answers that users turn more frequently to a Web site or a magazine specializing in a particular category

Can you chrome all the supports?

Surely, this is one of the big advantages compared to standard chrome.

can I do it at home?

You can use our hardware "easy chrome" but it is always better to have a vacuum cleaner or cabin.

Do I need a special equipment?

Absolutely yes, because it is necessary to have a special double gun that will exit the double producTs to 50%.

What is the chrome’s resistance?

It has excellent resistance thanks to our special scratchproof

How long it exposed to the elements?

The duration is variable depending on the climate, clearly in very hot and humid countries near the sea the duration is less.

What is the lifetime of the unused concentrated products?

The duration varies from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the product, you can refer to the data sheets.

What is the lifetime of the products ready to use?

Even in this case varies depending on the product and in any case from 2 to 6 months, you can refer to the data sheets.

What’s the life time of the concentrated activator ?

if Unopened it expires in 6 months ( you have the lable of the production time)

What’s the lifitime of the activator ready to use?

As soon as it is mixed with bi distilled water it must be used in the same day.

Do I have to empty the tanks after use?

Absolutely not, the product has a long life time in the containers.

Do I have to wash them after use?

It is not necessary, but it is advisable to wash them well every 2 or 3 months only ever with bi distilled water.

Do I always have to check the silver gun before use?

It is very important to be sure to have an output of two identical products, I recommend using 2 cups to check the accuracy before use, and always do a test sheet before proceeding with production.

How do I know if the plating and 'come good just performed?

The very important thing to check is that the halo disappears while it dries the piece, it must be perfectly transparent and must not have a yellowish color, in this case the reaction is not completed in a correct way.

Do I have to wash the gun after use?

I highly recommend it because it could create small flakes that could plug the hole, and I recommend it only to wash well with bi distilled water.

Is it necessary to use bi distilled water to wash and use to prepare the products?

Referring to the mixing of concentrated products and for the rince of the parts, it’s indispensable the only bi distilled water use.

Can I use a normal clearcoat to protect the silver?

you must use our CS402 that has been studied in order to be compatible with silver.

what cratchproof clearcoat can I use?

I commend our scratchproof Sirious, which has excellent resistance to weathering and mechanical factors.

Can I make all the colors I want?

Absolutely, and thank you to our team of colorists, every shade and color is possible with "COVERCHROME"

end faq

New Covershine Museum of the future Cromo facile Gold daft punk New covershine complete application cycle chroming daft punk helmet Big heart chroming helmet chroming forniture adhesion official test company video slide basecoat application coverchrome fast reaction chroming in America bike at the show flock applycation




Coverplast has been present for 40 years in the market of the production of full body paint, construction and industry. it was founded as a family business in 1972 with headquarters in Saronno, Italy. Its activity is initially focused on the production of paints for building, then the name Coverplast - Dyes Paint Plastics. After few years, the increase of demands , there was catalog’s increase, extending the product portfolio in the market of paints and vehicle refinishing industry.

Coverplast operates in the belief that a world without paint is a world in black and white, is developing well, a range of special effects that allow you to reinterpret chromatically any surface. It is a company that has evolved over the years thanks to the experience and values of the people who drive them. A highly qualified technical staff, researchers and management conduct their daily activities in accordance with the guarantee of product quality and customer service and the continuous search for innovation.




COVERCHROME ricolora il mondo intorno a te





From years of experience Coverplast, a leader in the production of paints, born Coverchrome, a division of the parent company, specialized in the manufacture of paints with special effects and chrome mirror, as well as in the production of machinery for the application of these paints.


Coverchrome benefits from the advice and support of highly qualified technical staff, which with its constant commitment to research new technologies, ensures optimum results and always innovative, in compliance with environmental protection regulations of the European Community.


Coverchrome is certified ISO 2012.








COVERCHROME colors the world around you

fullsize distr

IMG 2598

Coverchrome by Coverplast produce for you all the products and machines necessary to achieve a perfect chrome and eye-popping special effects on any surface.
It allows you to obtain a result of high professionalism.
It provides you

The result is assured by the experience of the manufacturer.



by Coverplast

Via Toscanini, 12
20010 Arluno Milano
Phone +39 02.9015236
Mobile +39 3484405654
P.I. 00234640126

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